

价格:6500 2022-02-05 10:36:01 1004次浏览



一. 用途:


本装置主要应用于机械加工过程中冷却润滑液的净化,可配用于:普通精度磨床、精密磨床、组合机床、加工中心等,可有效清除冷却润滑液中的杂质颗粒等,可将磁性杂质连续不断的导入污物箱中,保证冷却液的清洁,防止其变质,全过程连续自动,是各种机床的理想配套附件。同时减轻了工人劳动强度,减少了废冷却液对环境污染。I. Purpose:

Tape filter is the ideal equipment to clear liquid solid particles, such as for grinding machines and other machines coolant (cutting fluid emulsion) purification.

This device is mainly used in machining process coolant purification, can be equipped for: ordinary precision grinding machines, precision grinding machines, combined machine tools, machining centers, which can effectively remove impurities in the coolant particles can be magnetic impurities continuously introducing the dirt tank, ensure clean coolant to prevent its deterioration, the whole process of continuous automatic, is the ideal tool for a variety of matching accessories. While reducing the labor intensity, reducing the waste coolant to environmental pollution.二. 主要零部件及工作原理


II. The main components and working principle

The chip device consists of housing, gear motor, level control sensor, spindle, chain network, dirt cars, machine tool supply pump and other components. How it works: After using the machine coolant through the network port splitter (to prevent damage to the filter paper) into the paper tape filter, the net inflow of non-woven filter tank, dirt particles continue to accumulate in the non-woven and non-woven form high density filter layer while improving the filtering accuracy. Decreased filtration efficiency over time, causing increased float level control sensors, inductive position when the level reaches set level float switch to control the motor start to rotate and drive the conveyor, conveyor filter cloth hold together rotation, the waste is delivered to the filter cloth dirt tank and clean nonwoven rearranged a work cycle trip, this cycle of work equipment. Coolant filtration pump after being transmitted back into the machine circulation. This means simple shape, small size, light weight, easy to install.

三. 型号规格及性能(见表1.表2)

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