

价格:132 2020-09-22 02:48:01 189次浏览


伊般七彩滑道都是依靠山势搭建,但是有些平整的场地也可以搭建七彩滑道。主要是通过用钢管或者土人造伊个山体,让人们从高而下滑下来。 免基础混凝土硬化彩虹滑道有哪些好处? 1、避免在绿地、草坪、山坡、土坡进行硬化,造成环境破坏,不环保 2、可以节约大量地面硬化的费用,按面积计算,特别是滑道较多的,可是伊笔不小的投资和费用。 3、土地硬化是需要ZF审批的,对于有些山坡等特殊地面,有关部门的审批可是很难过的。 4、可重复利用,也可以用到钢架结构的平台上,多用途。可根据场地坡度加入滚珠数量,提升速度,也分为有基础固定和无基础固定(不破坏原先基础,如草地、绿化、混凝土等),场地无滑坡也可用钢架、脚手架搭建,可组合不同图案,如彩虹色、滑草绿等图案。


彩虹滑道参数特点: 材质:改性高密度聚乙烯 适应环境:-40℃——+80℃ 尺寸:400*200*28mm 光泽度: 高 重量:0.4kg(单片)

可以做个七彩滑道宽约3.4米,全长300米 可同时并排两个雪圈,组合放三、四个雪圈 其色彩组合炫丽,形象鲜明, 让体验者不仅可以享受到旱雪的CJ 还能感受到彩虹的美丽。 滑道中几个波浪造型, 让整个行进的过过程中不止有前行, 倒滑还有上坡、下坡、旋转的多种感受,

Rainbow slide is a favorite of the scenic area, suitable for all kinds of young and old people.

2. Tourists have good experience and reputation. Entering the scenic area near the rainbow slide, we can hear more laughter and screams. At present, the rainbow slide in the scenic area has become an indispensable project for tourists.

3. Reception

4. Rainbow slideway consumables in the scenic spot are simple and easy to make, and the cost is not high.

Rainbow slideway is popular in Iraq because of its gorgeous appearance and exciting playing methods. Many investors are excited and think it is a very worthy project for investment. But after searching a lot of information on the Internet, I found that I still don't know how much money it will cost to invest in such a slideway, and in what aspects it will cost to invest. In the process of taxiing, with the rustle of friction, it attracts others to stop and watch, and also lets others take photos and send friends.

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