

价格:面议 2022-02-05 10:48:02 416次浏览

中国社科院大学与美国杜兰大学金融管理硕士MFIN项目2020级美方专业必修课程——《Options & Other Derivatives》(期权与其他衍生工具)即将于2021年8月13日开课。本门课程由美国杜兰大学弗里曼商学院教授Paul Spindt主讲。因新冠疫情环境影响,本次课程采用网络授课方式。

Paul Spindt


Senior Associate Dean

A.B. Freeman School of Business


Professor Paul A. Spindt serves the Freeman school in multiple capacities in his roles as a professor and as an associate dean. He has been instrumental in expanding the Freeman Schools reputation and influence,including founding the Ph.D. program in Latin America.Professor Spindt has a long and influential professional background working with the Federal Reserve System. He has been with Tulane since 1990, where he consistently brings his real-world experience into the classroom.

Before joining Tulane, Professor Spindt worked in Washington D.C. for the Federal Reserve Board.There, he began working with abstract economic concepts and eventually became more engaged in capitalmarkets and banks, interested in looking at institutions and how they operate. This led him to his work with financial economics, and he has since shared his background with students.


A derivative is a fifinancial contract whose value is not intrinsic, but instead is derived from the value of some underlying asset called a reference asset. Derivatives are side-bets that do not involve direct claims on the underlying assets. Derivatives are useful for trading the risk associated with reference assets without having to buy or sell the underlying assets themselves. The market for derivatives is huge and global. The Bank for International Settlements estimates that nearly 1,000 trillion US dollars (notional principal) of over-the-counter derivatives were outstanding in June 2016. Add to that another about 200 trillion US dollars in exchange traded derivatives and you get a rough idea of the size of the market. By comparison, US GDP at the time was about 20 trillion. In this course, we will study the main derivatives instruments and the markets in which they are traded. The course content will mix description, theoretical modeling, and practical application.

注:经教育部批准(中外合作办学项目批准书编号MOE11US1AN教育部中外合作办学监管工作信息网项目信息,2012年起中国社会科学院研究生院与美国杜兰大学(Tulane University)合作举办“金融管理硕士”(Tulane-GSCASS Master of Finance,简称MFIN)项目,每期招生40人,学员在职学习,学制为18个月。

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