我们青岛大铁海洋工程有限公司 ( Great Vessel Engineering (Qingdao ) Co.ltd ) 是挪威 Wilhelmsen Ships Service 公司指定的 UNITOR 化学品在中国北方地区的销售代理商;
We (Great Vessel Engineering (Qingdao) Co.ltd) are the pointed as sales agent of UNITOR products in Northern China.
如果尊敬的客户您需要购买 UNITOR 化学品,那么请直接和我们取得联系,
2.MSDS 化学品使用须知
Pls get contact with GVECO if you need any bellowing chemical, we can give you the:
1.Chemical User Manual ( Chinese & English ) ;
2. MSDS;
冷却水处理化学品 (船用主机,发电机) Cooling Water Treatment
743880 Bioguard 25 ltr 海水系统微生物控制剂
680843 Cooltreat AL 高级开式冷却水处理剂
571349 Dieselguard NB 粉状冷却水抑制剂
571356 Rocor NB liquid 液体冷却水腐蚀抑制剂
锅炉水处理剂 Boiler Water Treatment
571307 Alkalinity control 浓缩碱性锅炉水处理剂
698720 Autotreat 30 bar 压力锅炉的综合水处理剂
571265 Combitreat 粉状综合锅炉处理剂
571323 Condensate control 冷凝水处理剂
571273 Liquitreat 液态综合锅炉处理剂
燃油添加剂 Fuel Oil Treatment
清洁与维护保养用化学品 Cleaning & Maintenance Chemicals
微生物处理化学品 Biochemicals
化验工具Chemical Test Kits for Water Testing
739466 Spectrapak 309 锅炉水化验工具盒
739474 Spectrapak 310 冷却水化验工具盒
We are waiting to offer you our high quality Unitor products and best services!
If you have any other questions, please contact with us without any hesitation.
Pls see the bellowing contacts!
青岛大铁海洋工程有限公司 -- GVECO
Great Vessel Engineering ( QingDao ) Co.,Ltd
Tel: +86 532 8601 0999
Fax: +86 532 8111 8666
E-mail : Qingdao@;
Website: ;