2、国外驾照转中国驾照(包拿证)(Driving license)
3、口岸签证(发达国家和其他稳定国家)(Port Visa for development and stable country)
4、香港签证(Hong Kong visa)
5、商标注册(trade mark Registration)
6、注册公司:包括香港公司、合伙公司、内资企业、公司税务、年检、延期、变更等服务(company registration: Hong Kong Company, Partnership Company, Domestic Company, Tax and Accounting Service, Company Annual Inspection, renewal,Company Alteration Service)
7、出国签证:各国的旅游签证和商务签证等。(Visa for all country, travel or business)
8、外国人在华工作签证,居留许可延期 (working visa, residence visa renewal)
9、企业海关备案,电子口岸办理 (enterprise customs record, E-port registration)