

广东中山市超松照明电器有限公司位于文化名城中山横栏茂辉工业区,毗邻大的灯饰生产基地中山古镇。公司专业从事商业照明研究开发以及加工生产,一直以来秉着“质量上乘,款式立异,节能耐用,诚实守信”的宗旨。承蒙各界人仕的信赖和支持令我们可以一步一步积累辉煌成功的经验,使公司实现了一次又一次的飞跃。 目前,本公司采用现代化先进管理模式及优质的售后服务。本着以质量求生存,以信誉求发展的宗旨,在同行业中与全国各地的客户建立起良好的合作关系。公司将以市场为导向,科技为保障,坚持以质量求生存,以品牌求发展的经营方针,为广大用户提供更加周到的服务。各管理部门均已采用“服务、诚实守信”的管理理念,并受到社会各界的好评。 公司技术力量雄厚、生产制造能力强、产品不断推陈出新,创造力丰富。在工艺制造上我们力求使产品精益求精,完美无暇。本公司产品类型主要以LED系列为主,涵括客厅灯、卧房灯、吸顶灯、天花灯、筒灯及开关等各类型多款式灯具造型及多种颜色选择。依凭公司高品质和先进的研究成果,生产出各种照明系列产品。企业内部实施规范管理,公司将与时俱进,开发生产各种各样灯饰。 Panasoca Electric Appliance Co.,ltd,Located in the cultural city of henglan town,zhongshan city,henglan is contiguous guzheng town,zhongshan city,the ational biggest decorative lighting production base, Wespe cialty are engaged in the electric appliance research to development as well as to process the production, continuously in line with”the quality excellent, different position design,conserves energy durably, honest code of honor。At present,we have taken the modernized advanced management pattern and thdhigh quality post-sale service.In line with to the quality strves for the survival,to the prestige strives for the development the objective,we have established,the good cooperation relations in the colleague industry with each place customer,the company has taken the market as the guidance and taken the science and technology as the safeguard,persisted to the quality strives for the survival,to the brand strives for the development the management policy,then providing a whole service for the user communities


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