

山东荣利中石油机械有限公司座落于古州之一的山东青州,位于经济开发区内,占地面积110000平方米,北距济青、东青高速5公里,南临309国道和胶济铁路,交通非常便利。我公司是ISO9001:2000认证企业,本公司产品和主要构件严格按照美国石油协会API SPEC 7K 和 ISO14693 国际标准组织生产,并获得美国石油协会API会标证书(证书号:API-4F-0202和API-7K-0130),是中石化一级供应商网员单位,同时被授予“山东省诚信单位”等多个荣誉称号。我公司以生产石油机械为主,主要产品有石油钻机、固控系统、泥浆泵单机泵组、三缸单作用钻井泵(RL3NB系列泥浆泵和RLF系列泥浆泵)、钻井泥浆泵配件、振动筛、离心泵等,且根据客户要求定型加工各种工件。本公司拥有科学的管理制度,雄厚的技术力量,完善的质量检测手段和精良的大中型设备。公司始终奉行“以质量求生存,以科技求发展”的宗旨,用户满意是我们永远的追求。本公司以优良的产品、合理的价格和周到的服务,奠定了与广大客户合作的基础。目前,我公司产品已经为全国十几家油田和地矿部门服务,并销往美国、加拿大、俄罗斯、巴西、罗马尼亚、哈萨克斯坦、东亚、东南亚等国家和地区。 Our company is an enterprise certified by ISO9001:2000 Quality Management System. The products and main structural parts of our company are produced strictly in accordance with API SPEC 7KISO14693 International Standard, have obtained the certificates of API (certificate code: API-4F-0202 and API-7K-0130). Our company is a member unit of the First Class Suppliers Network of Sinopec Corp. and has been awarded lots of honorable titles like “Good Faith Unit of Shandong Province” Our company mainly manufactures petroleum machines. The main products are petroleum drilling rigs, solid control systems, single mud pump packages, triplex drilling pumps (RL3NR series mud pumps and RLF series mud pumps), drilling mud pump parts, vibration sieves, centrifugal pumps and other products. In addition, all kinds of work parts can be tailor-made as requested.


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