广州市无知表业有限公司,是香港时光汇聚国际集团有限公司在中国地区一授权品牌营运的企业。公司产品的研究、设计博采长紧跟国际潮流,其中奥利妮已成为表业品牌脱颖而出的情侣表品牌。2008年奥利妮手表成为第十九界超级模特环球大赛的赞助商,同世界各国佳丽一起在伸展台上大放异彩,同年被评为中国品牌,2010年更评国际知名品牌。 公司自出产对奥利妮情侣表开始,以“专注打造情侣表品牌”的理念,对设计和品质精益求精。我们追求“完美爱情,完美品质”,生产中坚持从原料到各个生产流程实行产品全检制度。我们相信“金玉有价情无价”,不以价格衡量世间真情,只用品质实现承诺永恒,我们视“质量为生命”本着“服务市场“的原则,兢兢业业,希望与众多有识之精诚合作,谋求共同发展。 Onlyou is a professional corporation integrating designing producing and marketing into an integral whole .We absorb the advantages of others and keep in step with the international fashions .The style of Onlyou products changes as the fashion renews .We'll continuously turn out excellent-qualified but low-priced products in fashionable and novel style to meet the needs of different consumer groups.Onlyou adepts at making watches serving for different purposes such as memorial watches ,watches for advertising and gift watches.Orders from people of all walks of life are welcomed on Onlyou!